Here is a list of anticipated fish species to arrive.
Things may get bumped so please call ahead if looking for a particular fish.
Ctenopalma (Spotted leaf perch)
Elephant Nose
Otocinclus Algae eater
Banded Panda Log suckers
African Dwarf Frogs
South American Avocado Puffers
Fuhaka Puffer
Freshwater Pea Puffer
African Cichlids (5 varieties)
Corydoras Habrosus
Bumble bee Gobies
Peacock Gudeon
Large Bleeding Heart Tetras
Rummy Nosed Tetras
Bosemani Rainbows (Red Phase)
Juripari Earth Eater Cichlids
Marble Hatchets
Black Worms!! Yes 3 lbs are coming....