Saturday, December 14, 2013

Re-Homing Monster Fish…

Everyday someone comes into the shop trying to get us to take fish that they no longer want or can care for. Because, my heart breaks for larger fish that are unwanted and that seem to end up in the lake, trash etc,.

 I have decided to host; 1(ONE), 55 gallon aquarium at the shop for USED fish..
This will be on a donation basis or trade for others in this host tank only.
 This tank, dependant on space will be home until they are re-homed. This tank will home larger semi- Aggressive fish, such as Silver Dollars, Larger Sharks and odd ball fish, I will price them according to what I have to feed them etc,. But they will be priced reasonably.
What I won’t take;  Gars, Oscars and related Large Cichlids, Pacu’s, Pangasius catfish and Some-related monster cats. 

Comments, concerns and ideas are always appreciated and taken into consideration.. Am I doing the right thing? Where do all these large unwanted fish go, and why is there such a lack of education concerning just how big many of these fish grow??

1 comment:

  1. First when you have ppl catching fish and helping folks at the box store most are uneducated about fish in general, let alone what size they get to be.
    Second you have the mentality of the folks buying the fish, the short sightedness of some individuals. Some just want big bad ass fish to show to their buddies, then lose interest over time............Seen it and rescued a few myself.
    Certainly a dilemma in the hobby.
