Wednesday, April 22, 2015

New Fish and Supplies ready for you!

Finatics received a nice fish order this past weekend and we have some really cool Fish to offer this week:  Unless noted on tanks all fish are ready to go!

Large Red cap Oranda 5"+
Small Red and White Oranda

Shubunkin and assorted Small to large Pond Comets

Some fantastic Dragon Scale, Viel and Half moon Male Betta's
Giant King Bettas

Golden and Red Hi Fin Endlers
Cardinal Tetras
Neon Tetras
Green neon Tetras
Longfin German Rams

Arowana 5"+

Redtail Sharks
Scarlet Badis (I believe a few Females as well)

Cherry barbs some Amazing Males
Het Rasboras
Green Neon Rasboras (Micro)

Now for the Shrimp:
Amano Shrimp

Red Rili Shrimp

Blue Velvet Shrimps

Black Diamonds
King Kong Shrimps (A Few are Panda)

We have a nice selection of rimless nano tanks including some new Aquatop tanks that are Starfire glass and have the Mats under them!
New Malaysian Driftwood
Some Nice Utah lace Rocks including some neat smaller pieces
Live Sand and Coral Substrates, African Cichlid Substrates and plant and shrimp substrates all in Stock now!
Circulating Pumps, Power heads and mini Canister filters for nano tanks are all here now.
Clip on and Finnex LED are in stock as well.

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