Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Fish Order Arrives 1-13-16

A New Fish Order will arrive at Finatics which will be solely Freshwater this week.

(Dicrossus filamentosus) Checkerboard Dwarf Cichlids

(Corydoras Habrosus) Salt & Pepper Dwarf Cory Catfish

(Corydoras Paleatus) Salt & Pepper Cory (Regular Size)

(Corydoras pygmaeus) Pigmy Cory Catfish

(Ancistrus sp. L144b) Super Red Bushy nose

(Hemiancistrus sp.) L128 Blue Phantom Pleco

(Baryancistrus demantiodes) L 200 Hi-Fin Green Phantom Pleco

(Panaque sp.) L191 Royal Pleco

(Chromobotia macracanthus) Clown Loaches

(Botia almorhae) Yoyo Loaches

(Paracheirodon innesi) Neon Tetra

(Paracheirodon axelrodi) Cardinal Tetra

(Pristella maxillaris) Pristilla Tetra

(Paracheirodon simulans) Green Neon Tetra

(Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi) Black Neon Tetra

(Boraras naevus) Strawberry Dwarf Rasbora

(Boraras brigittae) Chili Rasbora

(Rasbora hengeli) PorkChop Rasbora

(Crossocheilus oblongus) Simese Algae Eaters (True SAE)

(Betta splendins) Male Bettas

(Xiphophorus hellerii) Swordtails

(Hymenochirus sp) Dwarf Frogs

(Osteoglossum bicirrhosum) Silver Arowanna

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