Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Barbs, Interesting & Unique

Here are two barbs which we currently have that are fascinating and more exotic.

The first barb is a rare species in the aquarium trade.
 (Puntius foerschi)  Foersch’s Fire Barb. 
A Friendly and peaceful barb, also to smaller fish and other species such as shrimps and snails, Suitable for planted aquariums with natural hiding places. Foersch’s Fire Barb’s should be kept in spacious aquarium in groups of at least four or more, as they school for most of the time. They feed on sinking pellet foods, Repashy Community Plus and live foods.  Make sure they get their share as they can be a bit shy among other more fast moving, bold and hungry fish. Generally these fish do not seek food on the surface area.

The next barb is equally interesting and “Cute”.
(Puntius fasciatus)  Red Panda Barb.
Panda Barbs are active fish, requiring a great deal of open swimming space in order to thrive. Though they are undemanding regarding water quality, these fish show best in tanks with subdued lighting and darker substrate. They also prefer gentle filtration in tanks decorated with smooth rocks and driftwood. Panda Barbs, also called Melon Barbs, prefer tanks with plenty of Anabias or low light vegetation or Oak leaf litter to hide in. These fish thrive in groups of their own species. They are undemanding as food is concerned and will take flake, pellet or live foods when offered.

Barbs are an ideal small to medium sized community fish when chosen correctly. Most barbs are undemanding with regards to water conditions as long as it is clean and well filtered.  Not all barbs are nippy like Tiger barbs and not all barbs outgrow the aquarium like Tinfoil barbs. So, when looking for that something “different” for your community tank consider the barbs.

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